Energy Audit Kansas City

Summer is coming to an end and Fall is around the corner.  Here is a list of the top 10 GIC favorite things about fall…

1. Trees changing colors.

Fall Trees









2. Pumpkin flavored everything!!

Pumpkin Flavor










3. You get to wear jeans and SWEATSHIRTS!










4. Saving energy by having the windows open.

Open window










5. Sipping on your favorite soup.











6. Fall Festivals

Fall Festival










7.  Jack-o-lanterns










8. Baking is fun again.










9. Your favorite shows start up again.








10. FOOTBALL!!!!!!! (Should probably be #1!)



















These are just of few of our favorite things about fall here at GIC.  Feel free to leave comments below with some of your favorite things about fall, we would love to hear from you.

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