One way to figure out how energy efficient your Manufactured Home is by having an Energy Audit performed on your home. With the help of Green Improvement Consulting, an audit can show you which energy improvements will save you the most each month in utilities.
Here are some of the most common improvements made to Manufactured homes:
1. Belly Insulation: Making sure the underside of your home is well insulated. Most Manufactured homes are not well insulated on the “Belly” side of the home. Adding enough insulation will help seal up the underside of the home, keeping the conditioned air in the home.
2. Skirt Sealing: Sealing up the seams of the homes skirt can reduce the amount of outside air flowing underneath the home. This will also help keep conditioned air from leaking out of the home.
3. Furnace Tune-Up: Having your furnace serviced on regular basis will help ensure the unit is running as efficiently as possible. Another alternative to a combustion furnace, would be having a heat pump installed in your home. For some homeowners, having a heat pump installed could save money each month in utilities. An Energy Audit can help determine if a heat pump is right for your home.
4. White Roof Coating: Applying a white coating to the roof of your manufactured home will help deflect the heat, which will help your heating/cooling units run more efficiently.
These are just a few ways to make your manufactured home more energy efficient. By having an Energy Audit performed on your home, you will know exactly which energy improvements are best for your home. There are also rebates available to help pay for some of the energy improvements. These rebates can be found at Green Improvement Consulting’s Certified Auditors are dedicated to helping individuals improve their homes energy efficiency. Contact us today to set up a time for our team to start you on the road to energy efficiency!