New Missouri Heat Pump Rate 4-20-2011
Kansas City Power and Light Missouri Customers sill enjoy big savings to be on a “Heat pump rate” Mygreenkc just saw the new heat pump or space heat tariff . We think its good, also pretty big news, compared to what happened in Kansas. Significant price breaks remain in Missouri for now at least . This rate is for Legacy KCP&L Customers GMO customers pay a little bit different rate.
It is cheaper to have an efficient heat pump vs a 95% furnace . There is normally a gas backup for temps below freezing . We also must point out that is greener to have a …Heat pump even tho electricity is only about 60% efficient delivered to your home. This is because a heat pump is normally 200-300% efficient.
Here is a rate comparison
OLD NEW % Change
Service Charge 8.67 9.00 3.81%
0-1000 KWH 0.0663 0.07382 11.34%
1000+ KWH 0.0464 0.04872 5.00%
summer KWH 0.105 0.11028 5.03%
This information came from the Missouri Public Service Commission