As you prepare for Super Bowl XLVIII parties tonight you may want to consider turning down your thermostat before guests arrive. With all those people crowded around the TV the “people load” will be raising the temperature inside your home. To ensure money is saved and your guests are comfortable turn your thermostat down a couple degrees.
Fifteen people generate enough heat to require a half ton cooling load in order to maintain the current level of comfort. So if you are having a large super bowl party this evening with 30+ guests this would mean a ton or more of cooling is required to maintain comfort levels in the home. It is best to turn down the thermostat before guests arrive so the room does not get overheated, but rather becomes more comfortable as guests begin to fill the room for the viewing of the game.
If you forget to turn down your heat and find that all of a sudden guests are starting to vocalize they are uncomfortably warm do not turn on your air conditioning. The switch from heating to cooling in these extreme temperatures could harm your HVAC system. Instead crack a window.
In most homes that are hosting super bowl parties the oven and stove will also be used. Use the microwave if at all possible when preparing all your super bowl treats or take into account the heat the oven and stove will be producing and further lower the thermostat.
Have fun this evening, save money and go green.