The Home Performance with Energy Star program operates under energy efficiency industry standards. It is not only important for the homeowner/contractor to follow these standards so they may receive their rebate, but also because by following these standards the homeowner will experience the best results. Why insulate your attic if it is going to still be leaky because it wasn’t sealed? This is just one example of why it is important to follow the HPwES work standards.
Some important standards to know include:
1. Seal all accessible attic penetrations and recessed lights.
2. Seal attic access (see website for details)
3. If garage is attached, seal all accessible penetrations between garage and living space.
4. Doors must be weather stripped on all four sides, install a threshold at the bottom if
5. The attic access must be airtight using latches, catches, or with approval from the
homeowner, screws. (Verify with blower door)
Following the work standards will ensure your rebate is obtained and a more efficient, comfortable and safe home. Questions? We can help answer them.