Beat the summer heat with these “cool” ideas!
It is important to find ways to beat the heat during the summer months. Below are the some ways to keep cool over the next few months. Or better yet, take a vacation from it if you can!
Start early in the morning on outdoor projects
Wear loose clothes
Avoid eating large meals
Eat high water foods like veggies and fruit
Shower to cool down
Drink plenty of water (cool not cold water)
Avoid over exposure to the sun
Keep your stress levels at a low
Recognize symptoms of heat related illness
Use window coverings to keep the heat out of your home
If spending long periods of time outside, wear a wet cloth around your neck
Try not to use heat generating appliances during the day.
Use personal fans during the day
Eat cool treats
Make sure your home is properly insulated to keep out the heat
Do what you can to stay cool this summer and still have fun.
If all else fails, spend the day in front of a fan!