Energy Audit Kansas City

New 2011 KCP&L Missouri KWH Rates Including Heat Rate

2011 New KCP&L Missouri Rates <— Click me Are the new residential rates for KCP&L Well The Missouri PCS has approved the Rate increase. Mygreenkc is happy that unlike in Kansas The Heat Pump rate in Missouri sill gives a price break to customers ....

What exactly is an Energy Audit and why would I want one?

A home energy audit is a service where the energy efficiency of a house is evaluated by a person using professional equipment see the wiki. Simply put, an Energy Audit(assessment) is an in-depth overview of your home’s energy performance, and what can be done to...

Turning Mechanical Power into Electricity

I got asked by a friend recently about advice on how to convert mechanical energy generated by exercise equipment such as a stationary bike or treadmill into electricity. After speaking with Luke we did a little research and found the Pedal-A-Watt Stationary Bike...
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