Energy Audit Kansas City

Update This program has changed as of 4-1-2018 Please check here for the latest information.


The KCPL rebate for windows and insulation is back for their Missouri customers! April 1, 2016 is the launch date of the new KCPL rebate for energy efficiency home improvements. We are scheduling energy audits now for the week of April 4.  Make your home more comfortable and lower utility bills at the same time.

Don’t be fooled! Only an Authorized Trade Ally of KCP&L can offer this rebate. The Missouri  Public Service Commission  issues order in KCP&L GMO rate case; energy efficiency options can help consumers reduce costs. This filling is set to last for 3 years. It’s also interesting they rejected increased monthly fixed cost.

We have a limited availability for a few audits on April Fool’s day  to get that scheduled asap we will offer existing customers a 99$ audit on April 1. Our standard price is $499. A $399 audit is available for customers under 2000 sf of conditioned area, we measure :).

Some new Window and HVAC customers can receive an instant rebate and be eligible for a $99  Audit for this new 2016 program. *Rebate reassignment available at our sole discretion.

Pre and Post bower door, energy savings modeling, health and safety testing including carbon monoxide. Additional services available . We are qualified for the Missouri state tax deduction.

Call us today we are filling up fast, 816.301.4448


New KCPL rebate incentives include:

Note : A Comprehensive Home Energy Audit is required to get any bonus or KCPL rebates for building improvements.

  • $750 in window rebates.
  • $500 for attic insulation.
  • $500 for a heat pump water heater!
  • $400 for an Air conditioner.
  • $300 for sealing.
  • $150 for wall insulation.
  • Up to $2250 for Geothermal with desuperheater.
  • Up to $1200 for a heat pump
  • Up to $300 in bonus for doing combinations
  • Up to $200 air conditioner and heat pump rebates with an energy Audit and Air sealing
  • starting at $300 Minisplit


Heat pump and Air conditioner rebates require a permit

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